Spotlight 1 Steven Greer - Disclosure Project 30 september 2009

Deze pagina is in september 2012 geupdate - alle video's doen het weer !

Het Disclosure Project

"Op woensdag 9 mei 2001 zijn meer dan 20 getuigen, hooggeplaatste professionals uit het leger, overheid, veiligheidsdiensten, bedrijven, advocatuur, ruimtevaart en wetenschap naar voren gestapt in the National Press Club in Washington DC om de realiteit van UFO's, buitenaardse levensvormen en resulterende geavanceerde energie- en aandrijvingtechnologieën aan te tonen. Deze 20 personen maken onderdeel uit van een groep van inmiddels 450 geaccrediteerde professionals (waaronder bekenden zoals Apollo astronaut dr. Brian O'Leary) met eerstehands ervaringen met UFO's.

Het Disclosure Project zet de gegevens op een rij voor 3 essentiële gebieden:

  1. Wat is het bewijs, wat ondersteunt de verklaringen, overheidsdocumenten etc.
  2. Het mechanisme van geheimhouding, zonder dit uit te leggen heeft het eerste punt geen enkel fundament. "Dit kan niet waar zijn, anders wisten we het allang" zou ieder rationeel mens terecht zeggen.
  3. Het waarom van de geheimhouding.

Dwight Eisenhouwer heeft twee termijnen als president van Amerika gediend en was generaal met vijf sterren. Hij heeft in januari van 1960 in zijn afscheidsrede gewaarschuwd voor de excessen van het militair industriële complex. Een van zijn grootste zorgen was dat zogenaamde "special acces programs" die zich met deze onderwerpen bezighielden, zich buiten het zicht van het congres, de wet en zelfs het presidentschap aan het bewegen waren. In zijn woorden: "Het potentieel voor misplaatste militaire macht bestaat en zal blijven aandringen. We moeten het gewicht van deze combinatie niet onderschatten en daardoor onze vrijheden of democratische processen in gevaar laten brengen. We moeten NIETS als vanzelfsprekend aannemen. Alleen alert en geïnformeerd burgerschap kan een juiste match afdwingen van het grote en machtige militair industriële complex met betrekking tot onze vreedzame methoden en doelen.".

Dr. Steven Greer, initiator van het Disclosure Project zegt hierover: "Eisenhouwers waarschuwing is nu volledig bewaarheid geworden waar we zien dat enorme hoeveelheden geld in "black budget" projecten gaan (in Amerika zo'n 80 miljard dollar per jaar) die niet ten goede van de burgers komen en onder andere te maken hebben met energie en technologie die ons een nieuwe, milieuvriendelijke en duurzame samenleving zouden kunnen geven.". De getuigen van het Disclosure Project verhalen van technologieën die de wereld in overvloed van energie kunnen voorzien zonder het verspillen van onze kwetsbare natuurlijke bronnen. Het armoede vraagstuk, de gezondheidszorg en de opwarming van de aarde komen hiermee in een geheel ander daglicht te staan.

President Reagan was de laatste geweest die in de ballroom, de belangrijkste zaal van the National Press Club in Washington DC, een persconferentie had gegeven. Er waren 20 cameraploegen en meer dan 100 journalisten. Het enige wat CNN hierover heeft gerapporteerd was een tekst onder in beeld , dat er in Washington een paar mensen bijeen waren gekomen die zeiden dat ze kleine groene mannetjes hadden gezien. Toen ik de 2 uur durende video bekeek, voelde ik de grote betekenis van deze persconferentie, misschien wel de belangrijkste in de geschiedenis van de mensheid. Toen ik deze persconferentie had gezien en zag hoe CNN en de rest van de media er niet of bij lange na niet adequaat op hadden gereageerd, wist ik dat er iets niet klopte. "


Video van de conferentie

"On Wednesday, May 9th 2001, over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses came forward at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion technologies. The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting government documentation and other evidence, will establish without any doubt the reality of these phenomena, according to Dr. Steven M. Greer, director of the Disclosure Project which hosted the event."


The Disclosure Project - Two-hour Disclosure Witness Testimony DVD 1 of 2

"This 2 hour video is a distillation of over 120 hours of video interviews made by Dr Greer. Dozens of highly credible military and government witnesses discuss UFO events and projects they have worked on, with introductory and overview commentary by Dr. Greer. The video is divided into sections and is an excellent item to have and show to others, to get a full understanding of what the Project is about. It is more informative to see this video prior to seeing the May 9th Press Conference video. Sections covered in this video are: *Secrecy Risks: what are the global risks if we do nothing *Human Witness Testimony: dozens of witness testimonies that are real and shouldn't be ignored. *Witness testimony to nuclear weapons that were sent into space and destroyed by UFOs. *Astronaut and Satellite Related Testimonials *Craft and Body Retrieval of Extraterrestrial Origin *Secrecy Examined: how it works through the unacknowledged special access projects and compartmentalization. i.e. How some members of our Governments are kept in the dark. *The Secrecy behind Space Based Weapons: its lethal implications. *Threats and Ridicule: suffered by those wishing to disclose the truth. *Why the Secrecy: and why it is no longer necessary."


The Disclosure Project - Two-hour Disclosure Witness Testimony DVD 2 of 2


 Xcon 2004 - Steven Greer, M.D. - The Untold Story of the Disclosure Project

"While a majority of American citizens and journalists do not yet know it, one of the most important events of the 21st Century to date took place at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on May 9, 2001. In the main ballroom before 100 journalists, 17 camera crews and 100 interested public, the Disclosure Project, founded by Dr. Steven Greer, presented the testimony of dozens of former military and agency employees which collectively confirms the extraterrestrial presence. Statements were presented in person and via video tape. All witnesses in attendance vowed to repeat their testimony under oath before Congress. This press conference was aired live around the world via the internet and is continuously being downloaded from the Disclosure Project website along with the witness testimonies. While the near term impact of this event was blunted by the terrorist attacks four months later, it will play an historic role in the disclosure process and will almost certainly be repeated - in or outside of Congress. Take a "tour" with Dr. Greer behind the scenes inside the meetings that led to the Disclosure Project press conference."


Dr. Steven Greer - Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge

Dr. Greer discusses the actual contact experiences he has had with UFOs and Extraterrestrial Civilizations, beginning as a young child. In one of the most amazing and moving personal stories ever shared, he will explain how after a prolonged near-death experience at age 17, he experienced cosmic consciousness and found the Rosetta Stone of ET contact: the power of the unbounded mind within each of us. Later this led to numerous Close Encounters of the 5th Kind: contact with ETs initiated by Dr. Greer and later by larger groups of people through the CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project. Dr. Greer, founder and director of CSETI and The Disclosure Project is an accomplished meditation instructor who has conducted intensive trainings in meditation, higher states of consciousness, remote viewing and cosmic awareness for 30 years using those techniques to contact Extraterrestrial Civilizations and to enhance daily life.

Bron 1:
Bron 2:

Contact & Disclosure: Countdown to Transformation (Dr. Steven Greer)
Dr. Greer speaking in Denver at The Tivoli.



Disclosure / Exopolitics Websites


Boeken door Steven Greer

Deze boeken zijn bijna allemaal verkrijgbaar via The American Bookcenter waar je Engelse boeken kan bestellen die je niet op kan vinden.

"For the first time ever, over five dozen top-secret military, government, intelligence and corporate witnesses to secret projects tell their true stories which disclose the greatest covert program in world history. This explosive testimony by actual government insiders proves that UFOs are real, that some are of extraterrestrial origin and that super-secret programs have energy and propulsion technologies that will enable humanity to begin a new civilization- A civilization without pollution, without poverty - A civilization capable of traveling among the stars. This is not just a story about UFOs, ETs and secret projects: It is the story of how 50 years of human evolution have been deferred and how these secret projects contain the real solution to the world energy crisis, the environmental crisis and world poverty."
 Op Disclosure: Military & Government Witnesses Reveal The Greatest Secrets Of Modern History
Greer, Steven M € 27.99
ISBN: 9780967323817|US Edition

"This book goes far beyond the usual accounting of objects seen in the sky and takes the reader into a universe of higher states of consciousness, remote viewing and direct Contact with civilizations that interface with thought and awareness as easily as we talk on cell phones. Journey with the CSETI team as they go beyond the veil of light and the resonant frequency of matter and enter into close contact with numerous ET civilizations who eagerly await the coming Transformation on Earth."
Bron: waar het boek ook besteld kan worden. Kon het helaas niet op vinden maar misschien komt dat nog want het boek is vrij recent.

"This book includes the best UFO /ET cases and the evidence for them; the best somoking gun doucments related to UFOs; the remarkable close encounters of Dr. Greer and CSETI. It includes a thought-provoking overview of why ETs are here and what the implications are. Also includes an inside view of the famous Project Starlight including Dr. Greer's briefings of CIA Director, James Woolsey, key members of Congress, and senior Pentagon officials." (beschrijving van de website van UfoEvidence)
Bestellink op Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence & Implications
Greer, Steven M € 27.99
ISBN: 9780967323800|US Edition

"In one of the most astounding and moving true stories ever told, Dr. Greer relates his own personal experiences with Extraterrestrial peoples and the unfolding of cosmic awareness since his childhood. From his sighting of a UFO at an early age, to his amazing near-death experience at age 17, to his unraveling of the secret cabal running the illegal transnational energy and UFO - related projects, to his meetings with a CIA Director, US Senators, heads of state and royalty - you will be moved, shocked and enlightened as you read through this memoir.
Journey with Dr. Greer as he takes you into the corridors of secret power - beyond the government as we know it- to a shadowy cabal of power-mad controllers. Learn what their agenda is, and how they plan to achieve their goals- and what we must do NOW to change the course of human history.
You will learn the secrets of how ET civilizations communicate - and travel- across the vastness of space, and you will explore the nexus where Mind, Space, Time and Matter all come together. Travel with Dr. Greer as he takes you on expeditions around the world where the famous CSETI Contact events have occurred - with ET craft and people actually approaching these new ambassadors to the universe.
You will be amazed as you glimpse the coming future of Earth and humanity - a future of universal peace, travel among the stars and the establishment of a sustainable civilization on Earth using long-suppressed and wondrous new energy sources.
And you will see a new world, within yourself, as you experience the meditations within this book that unfold a new cosmology - integrating body, mind, spirit and cosmic awareness and traveling beyond the speed of light - seeing that the Universe is folded perfectly within..."
Bestellink op Hidden Truth--forbidden Knowledge: It Is Time For You To Know
Greer, Steven M € 27.99
ISBN: 9780967323824|US Edition

Exopolitics Summit 2009

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